Center for prosthetic and orthopedic care "Tellus"
Since 1998, we have been manufacturing and providing individual prosthetic and orthopedic products of any complexity to all persons with disabilities, including military service members.
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18 November 2022

By the second day, I was already walking without a cane on two prosthetics

In 2018, on March 3, I froze my feet off. This is how my story of amputation begins. I was sent to the central hospital in Chernomorsk. For a month, doctors tried to save my limbs, gave injections, drips, but no. To my great regret, gangrene began.

The doctors and I decided in advance how best to carry out the amputation, in what place of the limbs, so that I could fully walk on prosthetic limbs. The decision was made.

After the amputation, I spent four long years in a wheelchair. I couldn’t get prosthetics because there were problems with the documents, but there were kind people who were able to solve everything.

Then they called from the Tellus Center for Prosthetic and Orthopedic Assistance, offered prosthetics and of course I agreed, which I have not regretted a day. I went to Odesa, the prosthetics technicians took measurements. I don’t know whether you will believe it or not, but on the second day I was already walking without a cane on two prosthetic lower limbs. The first day I was still supported by the cane, but on the second day my first trip on the prosthetic limbs was to the store and it went very well.

For motivation I would like to advise everyone who finds themselves in a similar situation to read a very good book by B.N. Polevoy, “A Tale of a Real Man”. This book is about a pilot who lost his legs during the Second World War and became the first of his prosthetics. At that time they made only wooden prostheses, with aluminum mounts. And what do you think, he got back at the controls and kept flying. I was very inspired by this book, considering that nowadays there are many more opportunities, technology is not standing still.

The most important thing is not to give up, keep hoping, hope is the last to die. I was constantly supported by my mother, brother and friends.

And I also want to advise you after amputation to keep your hands and head busy, to do some handicrafts, not to think about bad things. Depression will pass, I am telling you this as a person who used only a wheelchair for four years, now walking on prostheses brings only comfort.

For three months now, I have been walking with prosthetic limbs as a normal person. I can do all kinds of housework, travel, do my own things and only think about the prosthetic limbs when I need to take them off.

Thankful to the Tellus Center and the entire staff for comfortable prosthetics, rehabilitation and the ability to walk again.