20 May 2021
My name is Daniil. It happened that since my very birth I have a malformation of the lower left extremity. It’s a laughing matter, frankly. But I thank fate that everything happened this way, for who knows what kind of person I would have grown up to be.
05 April 2021
We always tell about strong spirits, but this time there will be a story about a girl with a bright soul! You know, when you meet a person, and he has not only a smile on his face, but his soul smiles, such a person is all positive and sunny despite the hardships experienced!
Our heroine, Yulia, was in a car accident at the age of 23, after which her leg was amputated.
01 April 2021
My name is Xenia, I was born in Odessa in 2005. But it so happened in my life that I moved and now I live with my aunt in Kiev.
I got sick when I was 5 years old, my leg fell ill and when they started examining it, they sent me to the Institute of Cancer Diseases for treatment and diagnosed me with osteogenic sarcoma. I was treated for a long time, 1 year and 2 months, underwent 17 high-dose chemotherapies and was preparing for surgery for endoprosthesis.
30 March 2021
War veteran Dmytro, who lost both legs, independently climbed the highest peak of Ukraine – Hoverla (2061 m). His feat was included in the book of Ukrainian records.
28 March 2021
Losing a leg – is an accident you might say! I never looked for someone to blame for it, nor did I blame myself because I knew of the endless regrets and self-pity. So I decided to live! To be life itself! The important thing is not to start fogging and dulling that pain. It gives you the strength to do incredible things and the right to your own story. So let’s think about what kind of story do we want?!
05 February 2021
There is no limit to human possibilities when a person wants something badly and our client Karina is a vivid example of this. Her dream is to learn to dance. At first, illness, then amputation caused Karina to doubt whether it was worth starting and whether it made sense!
01 February 2021
We were approached by a wonderful man and artist at the Tellus Center –Zhykov Borys Oleksiiovych.
31 January 2021
We would like to tell the story of our beautiful client Olena Diachenko. She came to us from Kirovohrad region. When we first met her, she was very shy about her prosthesis.
24 December 2020
On January 8, 2020, our client Alina and her husband were very late for work and literally jumped into the departing service bus. The seats on which they always sat were free. And here nothing foreshadowed trouble and sharp 2 blows….
26 June 2020
It all started 6.5 years ago with shooting pains in my leg. For four years, doctors were unable to provide the correct diagnosis. Then, two years ago, a traumatologist referred me for an MRI, and oncology was found. I refused treatment, but since the winter of 2019, the disease began to progress, and in November 2019, I had to have my leg amputated…
19 June 2020
Sports have been a part of my life since school. In fifth grade, I was selected for a basketball team, and by pursuing it professionally, I became a Master of Sport. In my youth, I traveled from the city center to Kotovskyi Settlement (Odesa) twice a day for training sessions, which were held at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Later, I joined the army, and those one and a half years weren’t wasted either — it’s hard not to stay active in the army, where physical training is a part of daily life (just think about the morning exercises!).
11 June 2020
I was approached by Iryna, a marketer from the Center for Prosthetic and Orthopedic Care “Tellus,” with a request to share my experience on “How not to fall into depression after losing a limb.”