Center for prosthetic and orthopedic care "Tellus"
Since 1998, we have been manufacturing and providing individual prosthetic and orthopedic products of any complexity to all persons with disabilities, including military service members.
Examples of our work, news and customer stories can be found in social networks. Click and go:
10 June 2022

Nothing in life is impossible

My name is Denys and I want to tell you my story about a car accident that happened 2017 on Friday the 13th. I was supposed to meet my girlfriend’s mom that day. I was working as a roofer, I arrived early from work, I picked up my girlfriend, she was working as a kindergarten teacher at the time.

At around 17:00 we got on the motorcycle and drove in the direction of her house. When we left the secondary road for the main road, after 200 meters there was a zigzag road filled with sand and gravel. To make you understand, the roadbed should have been 5 meters, but instead of five was only 3 meters for two lanes, and even under the road was the fence of a private house. A cab driver was driving on our left in the opposite lane and turned right where we were driving. Without making sure whether he had an obstacle, he drove onto the main road and hit the motorcycle with the left side of the driver’s fender and damaged the left lower extremities of me and my girlfriend.

The impact sent me and my bike flying to the right into the fence of the private house I mentioned above. It was made of slate and I hit the fence. I hit the concrete post with my helmet and the girl flew further down the road for 5 meters. When I first came to my senses I didn’t immediately realize what had happened, but people around me were telling me not to get up.

I tried to do it and only then I realized that my leg was in an unnatural state. I immediately asked where Tetiana, my girlfriend, was, and was told that she was alive, but that her left lower limb was fractured like mine.

Then the ambulance and the police came. Tetiana was taken away by the first ambulance, and another ambulance came after me. We were operated on in the intensive care unit. Tetiana had a fractured tibia and femur. I also had an open femur fracture and a fracture of the greater fibula. There was a lot of damage to other limbs and a concussion.

I did not lose a limb immediately. For a year and a half I underwent about six different operations, operated both in our city, and in the hospital of Kherson Region, and in the burn and vascular departments. It was after a vascular operation that I had the main vein running through the whole leg tied up.

After two weeks, I was released for a few days home to my town of Hola Prystan, where the bleeding started. A vein near my knee had knotted. They took me to the hospital, where I was informed that they had no special equipment and specialist who could help my problem. They would not take me to Kherson because I would lose a lot of blood or there would be infection and that the only correct solution was to amputate the limb above the knee.

At first, I was against it, but when the pain became unbearable, I told the surgeon that I would do it. I woke up without my left leg.

All my life I have been involved in sports, I am a candidate master of sports in kickboxing and have a brown belt in karate, even worked as a coach. The loss of my left lower limb was very painful for me, but after a while I realized that I had to move on with my life and now everything is fine with me.

My beloved and I got married, we are raising a 2.5-year-old daughter. Before the war I had my own business of roofing roofs of different shapes, colors of metal, bitumen, put metal-plastic windows. Now I drive a car, bike, lead an active lifestyle.

I found out about the Tellus Center through a phone call and became a client of the center, having a prosthetic hip. Their motto, and not only for people with amputations, is: “Nothing is impossible in life! Everything that happens to you is the result of your activity or inactivity!

That’s the story.